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Sovereign names

AnalyticsTrade Team
AnalyticsTrade Team Last updated on 26 Apr 2023

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Sovereign Names

Sovereign names are the names of countries, states, and other political entities that are recognized by international law. These names are used to identify the political entity in international relations, such as in treaties, international agreements, and other diplomatic documents. Sovereign names are also used to identify the political entity in international organizations, such as the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.

History of Sovereign Names

The concept of sovereign names dates back to the 16th century, when European nations began to recognize each other as independent states. This recognition was formalized in the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which established the principle of sovereignty and the recognition of each state’s right to self-determination. Since then, the concept of sovereign names has been used to identify countries in international relations and international organizations.

The use of sovereign names has also been extended to other political entities, such as states, provinces, and territories. These entities are recognized by international law as having the same rights and obligations as countries, and their names are used to identify them in international relations and international organizations.

Comparison Table

Country Sovereign Name
United States United States of America
Canada Canada
Mexico United Mexican States
Australia Commonwealth of Australia


Sovereign names are the names of countries, states, and other political entities that are recognized by international law. These names are used to identify the political entity in international relations and international organizations. The concept of sovereign names dates back to the 16th century, when European nations began to recognize each other as independent states. For more information about sovereign names, visit the websites of the United Nations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund.

See Also

  • State Names
  • Provincial Names
  • Territorial Names
  • International Law
  • Peace of Westphalia
  • United Nations
  • World Bank
  • International Monetary Fund
  • Recognition of States
  • Self-Determination

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