Category: Automated trading

Algorithmic Trading on Currency Volatility
Automated trading

The Impact of Algorithmic Trading on Currency Volatility

Algorithmic trading is a form of trading that uses computer algorithms to automate the process of buying and selling stocks, commodities, and currencies. In this article, we explore the impact of algorithmic trading on currency volatility.

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How to Use Chart Patterns in Currency Analysis
Automated trading

How to Use Chart Patterns in Currency Analysis

Chart patterns are a powerful tool for currency analysis. Learn how to use chart patterns to identify trends and make better trading decisions.

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Trading Tool to Improve Your Skills
Automated trading


Without a doubt, forex trading is a profitable venture. But to be a successful trader, the market requires a great level of attention. If you are a full-time trader, watching the market 24/7 can be quite tiring, which could lead to poor trading decisions. Likewise, several other traders need to create time for other aspects […]

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